Semarang, December 4, 2023 – Nadira, an English Literature student at Diponegoro University (Undip) currently participating in the Community Service Program (KKN), has remarkably executed her innovative work program at PAUD Mekar Jaya RW 04 Jurang Belimbing. This transformative program, which commenced on December 4, 2023, aimed to introduce traditional games, spark enthusiasm and curiosity among children, and draw the attention of parents at PAUD Mekar Jaya towards anti-gadget toys.

The overarching goal was to instill an understanding of the importance of limiting children’s exposure to gadgets and to revitalize traditional games in the midst of advancing technology. In the pursuit of expanding children’s knowledge through an enjoyable approach, Nadira and her dedicated KKN team meticulously organized a series of learning-through-play activities. Among the key objectives was to impart an understanding of the significance of reducing gadget usage among children. Aligned with this noble intention, the effort yielded highly satisfying results. Children exhibited heightened enthusiasm and curiosity towards traditional games, while parents increasingly directed their attention to these revitalized activities.

To maximize the positive impact of the program, Nadira, with her keen eye for detail, captured footage for a documentary presented in accordance with the prevailing social media algorithms. The content not only showcased the cultural richness but also portrayed the excitement of activities in Jurang Belimbing, creating an engaging and informative presentation. The success of the program was not merely reflected in the enthusiasm and curiosity of the children but also in the substantial viewership of the documentary. Within a single day, the video garnered over 200 viewers, a testament to the positive impact and attractiveness of the content presented.

Siti Khosiyah, the Head of the PAUD management who actively participated in the program, expressed her deep appreciation for Nadira and her exceptional KKN team’s invaluable contributions. “This is truly an interesting breakthrough in introducing positive values to children through traditional games. We firmly believe that this program can significantly contribute to the growth and development of our students. It serves as compelling proof that creative initiatives have the potential to bring about positive change, offering an attractive alternative to the prevalent use of gadgets.”

Thus, Nadira’s resounding success in creating a positive breakthrough through her meticulously planned work program exemplifies the transformative power of creative and innovative approaches. It underscores the pivotal role such initiatives can play in developing the potential of individuals and fostering sustainability within the local community. The ripple effect of Nadira’s efforts is expected to resonate positively, leaving an enduring impact on the community and the lives of the children at PAUD Mekar Jaya RW 04 Jurang Belimbing.